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How can I transfer the domain to a new provider?

This option is available on select paid Shortenworld plans.

This is a general guide for transferring your domain to a new provider. The specifics may vary depending on your current and new providers. Refer to their help articles for detailed instructions.

Are you looking for a new registrar? Check out our list of popular domain hosting services.

This guide does not apply to free promotional domains.

To move your domain to a new registrar via Shortenworld:

  1. Remove the domain lock if enabled. Most registrars have a lock feature to protect against unauthorized domain transfers. You'll need to manually disable this in your account settings.

2. Look for an option to request an authorization code. Once requested, this code is sent to you by email.

3. Start the transfer with the new registrar. Enter your domain and authorization code provided by Shortenworld to initiate the transfer process. Watch for a confirmation email from the new registrar.

4. Pay any fees (if required) and allow time for the transfer to complete. The process is typically quick but can take a few days with some registrars.

Once complete, your domain will be fully managed through your new registrar.

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